August 28th, 2020 by WCBC Radio
A legislative audit is recommending the elimination of West Virginia’s Public Port Authority
The port authority, established in 1989, was meant to promote the development of the state’s rivers system and other transportation modes.
The official recommendation to dissolve the agency came from the Legislative Auditor’s Office in a 22-page report that included subtitles such as “The Port Authority is Currently Inactive, with No Employees or Funding” and “The Port Authority has Statutory Duties That It Cannot Perform.”
The report noted that the last two major projects pursued by the Port Authority either failed or were cancelled. Those initiatives were the Heartland Intermodal Gateway in Wayne County and the Eastern Panhandle Inland Port.
There were no objections to the recommendation from state Transportation Secretary Byrd White, who wrote in a response letter, “Overall, DOT agrees with the revised Audit Report.”
August 28th, 2020 by WCBC Radio
A legislative audit is recommending the elimination of West Virginia’s Public Port Authority
The port authority, established in 1989, was meant to promote the development of the state’s rivers system and other transportation modes.
The official recommendation to dissolve the agency came from the Legislative Auditor’s Office in a 22-page report that included subtitles such as “The Port Authority is Currently Inactive, with No Employees or Funding” and “The Port Authority has Statutory Duties That It Cannot Perform.”
The report noted that the last two major projects pursued by the Port Authority either failed or were cancelled. Those initiatives were the Heartland Intermodal Gateway in Wayne County and the Eastern Panhandle Inland Port.
There were no objections to the recommendation from state Transportation Secretary Byrd White, who wrote in a response letter, “Overall, DOT agrees with the revised Audit Report.”
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