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WMHS Celebrates Anniversary, Success

December 3rd, 2014 by WCBC Radio

Late last month, the Western Maryland Health System celebrated its fifth anniversary- and while there have been some growing pains, the overall operation has proven a tremendous success. The Willowbrook Road facilties,  a one-hospital system in Cumberland, has seen inpatient admissions fall by 32 percent in the past four years — and is better off financially because of it. The health system generated a 5 percent operating margin in fiscal 2013 and is on track for an 8 percent margin in the current fiscal year. Among the 10 hospitals in Maryland's Total Patient Revenue System demonstration, which started in 2010, WMHS is one of the few hospitals in the country that has moved entirely to a value-based payment system. During a recent visit to the campus, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley praised the Western Maryland Health System for serving as a model for hospitals across the state…                                                                                       


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