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Western Region Fire Office Employee Honored

July 6th, 2015 by WCBC Radio

The Office of the State Fire Marshal is very proud to announce that Office Clerk Allison Nicodemus of the Western Regional Office of the State Fire Marshal located in Hagerstown, was presented with the prestigious “Hall of Fame Award” during a ceremony held at the annual Maryland State Firemen’s Association Convention in Ocean City this year.

Allison was cited for her overall success in capturing 100% of the statistical data from all Maryland fire departments for 2013 and 2014. In 2012, she was tasked with taking responsibility for the Maryland Fire Incident Reporting System (MFIRS) and converting it to the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS). She managed to study and learn the complex program, and with considerable time and effort, reached out to the departments throughout the State and accomplished the task at hand.

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