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West Virginia lawmakers share concerns over Gov. Justice’s plan to reopen state

April 30th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

According to WCHS TV, some West Virginia House of Delegates members are sharing their concerns over Gov. Jim Justice’s plans to reopen the state during the coronavirus pandemic.

A letter sent to Justice from House Minority Leader Tim Miley, D-Harrison, and other Democratic lawmakers, outlines their concerns over the governor’s plans, which he revealed to the public Monday.

The lawmakers said they were unaware of the governor's plans to reopen the state until they heard it with everyone else Monday.

Some of the questions raised in the letter are as follows:

* Will the state plan be adjusted for regional hotspots or is there a “one-size-fits-all” approach for each of the 55 counties?

* Do you plan on imposing any public safety requirements upon businesses as a condition of their re-opening?

* What is the plan of action if we see a spike in positive cases after we have reopened the state?

* Has there been consideration of using recent data instead of cumulative data?

* What is the plan for reopening the tourism industry?

* Is the state going to have the necessary testing supplies and personal protective equipment as it reopens?

* Is there a plan for addressing the minority population in the state?

2 Responses to “West Virginia lawmakers share concerns over Gov. Justice’s plan to reopen state”

  1. April 30, 2020 at 3:53 pm, David said:

    Just can’t make anyone happy any more!!


  2. May 01, 2020 at 7:46 am, Paolo Primavera said:

    I’m Finnish-American by heritage born right here in the good old USA and as a minority, I WANT TO BE TREATED THE SAME AS EVERY AMERICAN.


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