August 29th, 2020 by WCBC Radio
WTOP reports that after a summer of national reckoning on racial injustice, the University System of Maryland is taking proactive steps to examine structural racism that may be inherent in its own system and across its 12 affiliate institutions.
The first part of this process within USM involves introspection, officials said Wednesday.
“This is the gap analysis, measuring whatever that space is between what we say, what we stand for…on the one hand, and our actions on the other hand,” Chancellor Jay A. Perman said during a Board of Regents special meeting.
The board will examine indicators within its system, like diversity among faculty and its fairness with promotions and tenure. Board members will begin to collect data soon, Perman said.
The university system will also review how each campus is teaching issues of race, racism and social justice and where they can contribute additional scholarship to advance understanding on diversity and implicit bias.
August 29, 2020 at 8:51 pm, Roger said:
College and universities are one of the very few places in America where systemic racism still takes place. The racism is brought about by government policies supported mostly by Democrats. Yale University currently has a lawsuit about this very issue.