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Units Respond to Accident near Crosstown Bridge

August 1st, 2020 by WCBC Radio

The Joint Communications Center of Allegany County Emergency Services dispatched Cumberland police, fire and EMS to Interstate 68 for a motor vehicle collision during the 7 AM hour Saturday.

The mishap occurred on Eastbound Interstate 68 at Exit 43, which is the Johnson Street exit.

Units were reported on the scene at 7:10 AM

12 Responses to “Units Respond to Accident near Crosstown Bridge”

  1. August 01, 2020 at 12:08 pm, DPM said:

    Thankfully I don’t think there were any serious injuries. The tractor trailer slammed the wall pretty good. Odds are the tractor trailer caused it. Not saying it did, just odds are. Something needs done about these a-holes before the kill again. Where are the police?? Looking for some 98 lb. girl ‘protester’ to beat up??


    • August 01, 2020 at 1:23 pm, mac said:

      > I’m going out on a limb and say that every recent accident on 68 has involved a tractor trailer. They have become a menace on their way down Haystack. There will probably be no follow up on this but I’ll say burned out brakes or overweight or both.
      It probably will take a death before any response is forthcoming from the State Police.


      • August 01, 2020 at 2:25 pm, Jay said:

        I haven’t seen one tractor trailer yet that observes the speed limit


      • August 02, 2020 at 4:38 am, DPM said:

        > They already killed one guy at that curve, so ONE death isn’t enough, apparently. Of course it’s not like any of our politicians give a damn about anyone but themselves.


  2. August 01, 2020 at 5:03 pm, Kate said:

    To DMP- Where are the police you ask? Do you want them sitting at that location around the clock in case there is an accident? Really? And your comment about them out beating up a protestor is inappropriate. Shame on YOU! If you ever need the police to come to your assistance, do us a favor and DO NOT call them. Shame on YOU.


    • August 01, 2020 at 6:58 pm, mac said:

      > You ask;’Do you want them sitting at that location around the clock in case there is an accident? Really?’ Yes, they should make their presence known as that area is the center of too many accidents. What do they think they do with their time? Sit by the phone waiting for you to call? If the Troopers don’t correct the problem who will? If the truckers are obeying the speed limit they won’t be rolling over as they try to pass through the City. I’m surprised by your unrealistic attitude toward police operations and procedure.


      • August 01, 2020 at 8:41 pm, dave said:

        > Speed cameras with alert ahead of it.


        • August 01, 2020 at 8:42 pm, dave said:

          P.S, with heavy fine>


    • August 02, 2020 at 4:36 am, DPM said:

      > Kate, A while back the police cracked down and issued over 300 tickets and accidents almost completely disappeared (involving trucks) So I’m just asking them to do WHAT THEY ARE PAID TO DO WITH MY TAX DOLLARS instead of sitting on their fat, lazy arses.


  3. August 02, 2020 at 6:52 am, Contrarian said:

    None of the law enforcement officers in Allegany County are fat. Get your facts straight. And why a 98-pound girl rather than a 98 pound boy? Sounds misogynistic to me.


    • August 02, 2020 at 8:27 am, DPM said:

      > not fat! LMAO, & they’re afraid the 98 lb. boy might hit back!! lol


  4. August 02, 2020 at 7:51 pm, MARTIN D FORNWALT said:

    Just last week, I was returning from LaVale to downtown exit. There was a Tractor Trailer going over 60 mph, into the Moose Turn. Had no intention of slowing down, at all, till he came onto traffic which had or maintained their proper speeds. Which then, with very hard braking, luckely didn’t hit the trailing vehicle. Until! Their speeds are slowed down! NOTHING WILL CHANGE. Problem is! Maryland only deaths have to be a problem! GOD FORBID WE HEAD IT OFF! Till someones love one will pay that price! Now, if fines, which be paid, before the speeding trucks pay, before released! It’s not going to change.


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