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Three Catholic Churches in Allegany County to Close Later This Year

March 25th, 2019 by WCBC Radio

It appears likely that three Catholic churches in Allegany County will close later this year.  In a letter to parishioners, Father Gregory Chervenak announced that pending approval by the Archdiocese of Baltimore, Our Lady of the Mountains Parish will go from five worship sites to two.  Closing this summer will be Saints Peter and Paul in Cumberland, Saint Ambrose in Cresaptown, and Saint Patrick’s in Mt. Savage.  The parish has decided that St. Mary’s and St. Patrick’s of Cumberland will remain open.  Our Lady of the Mountains Parish formed in 2011 and has operated the five churches with just two fulltime priests.  Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore must give final approval to the plan.

7 Responses to “Three Catholic Churches in Allegany County to Close Later This Year”

  1. March 24, 2019 at 8:38 pm, Hank Logsdon said:

    My church will always be St Ambrose in Cresaptown!!!!


    • March 25, 2019 at 8:34 pm, Joe Wellberg said:

      > People of Saints Peter and Paul felt the same way. Some only prayed at the shrine while others went over to Saint Anthony’s in Ridgeley.


  2. March 24, 2019 at 9:49 pm, Linmarie said:

    This is very sad. God gave us a free will as a gift. He can not change that. So humans push the limits and then blame God. Wake up people as churches are closing and one day when you realize you messed up you will see it wasn’t God after all but you.God is forgiving repent now. Churches which mean a body of people are the first ones there to help Cumberland. Pray like this is your last day on earth.


  3. March 25, 2019 at 12:30 am, Joe Wellberg said:

    Years ago someone was complaining about St Patrick Mount Savage being reduced to a shrine. So they got their way and made Saints Peter and Paul a shrine instead. I guess some will complain again.


  4. March 25, 2019 at 7:52 am, Greg said:

    Bible based Christian churches are flourishing while pseudo Christian churches are failing. God’s judgement is being rained down upon the Catholic Church.


  5. March 25, 2019 at 9:13 am, kevin said:

    This is not a surprise – mainline denominations here are contracting because there are no fannies in the seats, it is that simple. Has anyone looked at the Methodist Church downtown that closed? It is a stunning, beautiful building, but it is unable to sustain itself without people putting up money. I don’t doubt people do, but there are less people. That is our reality. The scandals that the RC church continue to slowly expose is not helping, but the truth is the bodies are not here – people die, move away, lose their pensions, whatever so there is less available. Welcome to reality. I guess the next move is for the church to hire a PR person like the City wants to do so that a spin can be applied. Yeah, that’ll work (NOT).


  6. March 25, 2019 at 9:55 am, Dan M said:

    > What a disgusting comment!


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