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The ‘Mountain Maryland Pledge to Prevent’ Supports the Safety of Local Community

August 4th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

Allegany County Tourism and community organizational partners have announced the Mountain Maryland Pledge to Prevent, an initiative aimed at increasing the awareness of the destination’s efforts to keep local community members and visitors safe while keeping businesses open.

The Mountain Maryland Pledge to Prevent campaign intends to inspire local business owners to take a pledge to do their part in helping to stop the spread of COVID-19. Responsibilities include practicing proper use of personal protective equipment while in the establishment, following social distancing guidelines, and adhering to CDC and local health guidelines.

“The Mountain Maryland Pledge to Prevent was developed as a way to assure the community and potential travelers that local businesses are stepping up to ensure everyone’s health and safety,” said Ashli Workman, Director of Tourism for the county.

According to research firm Destination Analysts, which has published the findings of its Coronavirus Travel Sentiment Index Report every week since March 13, nearly one-third of American travelers say they are less likely to visit destinations that they most associate with Coronavirus-related issues, even after the pandemic ends. When asked how they would feel if a destination they wanted to visit required visitors and residents to wear masks while in public, more than two-thirds (67.4%) said that would make them happy.

“What we know from weekly travel sentiment data is that Americans are eager to travel, but concern about health and safety remains the primary barrier to doing so. Destinations that are making safety a priority and are perceived as safe have a far greater opportunity to see economic recovery through local and visitor spending,” said Workman. “The Mountain Maryland Pledge to Prevent is one way we intend to get our entire local community on board with plans and practices to help put everyone’s minds at ease.”

Business owners can take the Pledge by visiting Once the pledge information form is filled out and submitted, the business will receive a window or door cling for their business and will be granted access to the Pledge to Prevent business toolkit. Their business name will also be listed on the official tourism website at, demonstrating that they have committed to the health and safety of their employees and customers. Customers can use the website to see if their favorite businesses have taken the pledge and even discover new businesses they may want to patronize in the future.

Representatives of the following businesses and organizations collaborated with Allegany County Tourism on this initiative: The Allegany County Chamber of Commerce, Cumberland’s Downtown Development Commission, Downtown Cumberland Business Association, and FrostburgFirst.

12 Responses to “The ‘Mountain Maryland Pledge to Prevent’ Supports the Safety of Local Community”

  1. August 04, 2020 at 2:52 pm, Kevin said:

    We don’t have enough infection here! We must import some! Brilliant.


    • August 05, 2020 at 1:29 pm, mac said:

      > Don’t forget the bikers will be showing up soon. That will raise the local infection numbers.


  2. August 04, 2020 at 3:18 pm, mac said:

    With infections increasing every day when will people learn that getting back to business as usual is not the right thing to do?

    The Allegany County Chamber of Commerce, Cumberland’s Downtown Development Commission, Downtown Cumberland Business Association, and FrostburgFirst should be held liable when contact tracing shows that adherents of the so-called ‘Pledge’ were centers of infection.


  3. August 04, 2020 at 3:40 pm, Bob said:

    If they are looking for a pledge that will boost the local economy, the more traditional pledge of virginity until marriage would be far more effective.


    • August 04, 2020 at 6:21 pm, DAVE said:

      Right on Bob, truer words were never spoken. Unwed mothers and fatherless families are one of the greatest creators of children in poverty.


      • August 04, 2020 at 8:08 pm, Robert said:

        Speaking of local poverty- How will local families in poverty obtain computers and a fast ,reliable connection to the internet for home schooling ? Anyone know ?


  4. August 05, 2020 at 4:20 am, Ron said:

    I am glad to hear that some local businesses will be taking steps to follow state guidlines. I think that is a good thing seeing people wearing masks properly and keeping safe distances would go a long way in my book to make me feel more comfortable in stores. Addionally a philosopher once said that poverty is the mother of all crime. Marcus Aurelius


    • August 05, 2020 at 5:56 am, mac said:

      > I agree with you completely. My concern is with restaurants and bars and how they will be able to effectively enforce distancing and masks.
      I don’t plan to be in any of these places myself but i would be interested to see diners and drinkers wearing masks.
      DDC and DCBA deal, in large, with only bars and restaurants.


  5. August 05, 2020 at 7:12 am, Ron said:

    Those are my concerns as well. Perhaps no shoes no shirt no proper mask no service. Right now if I go to a store,restaraunt for needed supplies food etc and the employees or the patrons are not following guidelines I don’t go back. I am also going to remember when this all ends who made tge effort to safeguard the vulnerable and who did not and I will spend accordingly


  6. August 05, 2020 at 7:33 am, mac said:

    I’ve had to stop carryout ordering from a couple of our favorite restaurants for that very reason.I walk in to pick up my order and am confronted with the wait staff walking around naked from the neck up.
    We still have one carry out business where all employees are masked even in the kitchen, which is visible from the store front.


  7. August 06, 2020 at 8:02 am, Toot said:

    I would love to see masks and social distancing enforced. The business can pledge all they want but until they actually enforce it the pledge is worthless.


    • August 06, 2020 at 12:37 pm, mac said:

      > In Cumberland there is no enforcement it is done symbolically with stern looks and harsh words,


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