April 15th, 2016 by WCBC Radio
Area youth are invited to experience the fun of science, technology, engineering and math at the annual Western Maryland STEM Festival on Saturday, May 7, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Frostburg State University’s Cordts Physical Education Center Main Arena and the nearby University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s Appalachian Lab.
This event is free and open to K-12 students and their families.
Students will have the opportunity to learn about STEM fields through engaging hands-on activities that cover a wide range of topics and include favorites from past festivals, as well as new features. The 2016 festival will include a Ping-Pong ball volcano, paper plane contest, stop motion animation, Dr. Elemental’s Mad Scientist Show, honey bees and the Dirt Doctor. “Make Your Own” stations will be available for slime, robotic hands and lava lamps. A shuttle bus will provide transportation between events at the Cordts PE Center and Appalachian Lab.
The STEM festival is organized by FSU, Allegany and Garrett County Public Schools and the Appalachian Lab. Sponsors for the festival include the FSU Foundation, AES Warrior Run, Western Maryland Health System, Exclamation Labs, United Carpenters and Joiners Local 1024, Children’s Medical Group and Allegany County Federal Teachers Credit Union.
For more information, contact Linda Steele at 301-687-4137 or lsteele@frostburg.edu.
May 1st, 2015 by WCBC Radio
On Saturday, May 2, 2015, Frostburg State University, in cooperation with Allegany County Public Schools, will host the annual Western Maryland STEM Festival. The event is free and open to all K-12 students and the public. The STEM festival will take place from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the Cordts Physical Education Center on FSU's campus and at the Appalachian Lab. The first several hundred students registered will receive a free T-shirt designed by a Fort Hill High School student.
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