August 28th, 2018 by WCBC Radio
The Maryland State Department of Education released the results of the latest Maryland state assessments, which at the state level found improvements in both math and English language arts (ELA) scores combined across the elementary and middle school grade levels. In Allegany County, the percentage of students scoring at a proficient level of 4 or 5 showed a rise for ELA in every grade 4-8 and also in every grade 4-8 in math.
“I want to thank our hardworking and caring teachers, principals, instructional and supervisory support personnel, and especially our students, for their focused work on deeper learning,” said Superintendent of Schools, Dr. David Cox. “The continued upward trend in our State test scores is one of many measures that we use to focus and guide improved learning for all ACPS students.”
The exams, which utilize materials developed by the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC), are considerably more rigorous than the Maryland School Assessment tests they replaced in 2015, and they are designed to provide students, parents, and teachers with a better idea regarding progress toward graduation and workforce readiness.
The Maryland assessments are scored on a 650 to 850 point scale, which has been translated and simplified into five performance levels, with level 1 set as not meeting expectations and level 5 set as exceeding expectations. Performance level 4 or 5 is considered “proficient” on the assessment by the Maryland State Board of Education.
In Allegany County Public Schools, PARCC exams are given for English and math in grades 3-8, at the end of English 10, and upon completion of Algebra I.
ACPS highlights at the elementary level are listed below:
- Grades 3-5 were all above the state average, with grade 5 exceeding the state by 11.6%
- Grades 4 and 5 made gains in ELA among students with special needs and students that are economically disadvantaged
- Eleven of the fourteen elementary schools had rising scores in grade 4 math, grade 5 math, and grade 5 ELA
- Grades 4 and 5 were above the state average in math with grade 4, exceeding the state by 10.3%
- Grades 4 and 5 made gains in math among students with special needs and students that are economically disadvantaged
- Grade 4 had a 19.9% increase in math among students with special needs
ACPS highlights at the secondary level are listed below:
- Gains were made in ELA for all students in grades 6-8
- Every middle school in ACPS increased their scores in grade 7 ELA
- All grade levels 6-8 made gains among students that are economically disadvantaged and students with special needs in ELA
- Grades 6 and 7 math, and Algebra I are all above the state average, with grade 7 exceeding the state average by 13.2%
- Algebra I reduced the gap between students that are economically disadvantaged and all students from 11.9% to 7.2%
- Every middle school in ACPS increased the number of students scoring at the proficient level in grade 7 math
Additionally, double digit gains (10% or greater) have been made by the following schools, grades, and content areas for two consecutive years: Bel Air Elementary, grade 5 ELA; West Side Elementary, grade 5 math; John Humbird Elementary, grade 4 ELA. Special recognition should also be given to Cresaptown Elementary School for being the only school in the county to show gains in every tested area at all grade levels of both ELA and math.