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Six New COVID cases reported in Allegany County

August 7th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

The Allegany County Health Department reports six new cases of COVID-19 in Allegany County.  The new cases are all among community members including a school-aged male, two males and one female in their 20s, a male in his 60s, and a female in her 70s.  None have been hospitalized.

As of today, 11,797 Allegany County residents have been tested for COVID-19 and received their results.  Of those, 11,513 were negative and 284 were positive.

11 Responses to “Six New COVID cases reported in Allegany County”

  1. August 07, 2020 at 5:25 pm, Steve said:

    Seems every day 5 – 6- 7 new cases here, last night on the news I see Baltimore listed as 1 of 10 cities with the largest increase. Are we being feed a bunch of INACCURATE info (also called BS, appears it is getting worse, not improving.


    • August 07, 2020 at 6:15 pm, Jay said:

      It’s not improving. There is no end in sight.


  2. August 07, 2020 at 6:24 pm, mac said:

    BUT,BUT!! Our positivity rate is at a new low. All of the metrics are good, or happy, or singing or whatever the metrics do.
    So how do we keep having an increase in cases everyday if things are so good?
    This is official happy talk news being spewed out to make you feel better by exaggerating and underestimating the severity of the problem.


    • August 08, 2020 at 12:06 am, dave said:

      More people are being tested. Do the math. We have a 2% positivity rate in Allegany co.


  3. August 08, 2020 at 6:04 am, Shelley said:

    Each and every American has been drafted into the war on Covid 19.Our weapons against this virus are wearing a mask, social distancing and limiting our movements to essential tasks. This is something we have never experienced in our free society. Because of our blessing of freedom this is difficult to accept and practice. This blessing did not come without a fight. Consider how Americans have pulled together over our history in times of armed conflict , the terror of 911 and scores of natural disasters. This is the same comradery we need to muster to limit the damage of the corona virus. As Americans we know, understand and respect that Freedom Isn’t Free. We all need to do our part to preserve it. Community spread is accelerating in Western Maryland now is the time to push back the invisible enemy.


  4. August 08, 2020 at 9:41 am, Carolyn said:

    FYI…Do we know if there false positive…
    I can tell you Johns Hopkins will not except any testing done BUT their own.

    Another thought, some people that test positive and are not hospitalized…Are these people with relative no symptoms or no symptoms actually self quarantine. ?????


    • August 08, 2020 at 9:58 am, mac said:

      > Of course not. They are treating it like it’s hay fever or a cold, not caring they they are carrying a virus that could actually kill someone else.
      That’s been the word all along by Trump and his ilk. It’s not serious, it will pass, we’re no. 1, 4 more years of this crap.


  5. August 08, 2020 at 11:13 am, Carolyn said:

    Check out Martins…their not cleaning their carts any longer and check out the donut case anyone can reach in and pick over them. Look how many adult people are with their noses out and only cover their mouths. I ask a man why aren’t you wearing the mask over your nose. He just looked at me..Do you know what your nose does..blank look.
    The virus is out there. and unfortunately people are going to die. People are positive who have never left their house’s.
    Stop blaming Trump…his info is coming from renown and outstanding people in their field. People always want to blame someone…Yes eventually this virus will pass and their will be people died, unfortunately. If you need to blame someone blame China.


    • August 08, 2020 at 1:26 pm, DPM said:

      > The WH Clown has handled it horribly, but yes, most blame goes to the American people that are too selfish & ignorant to do what’s needed to contain it. It will be with us forever and deservedly so. Unlike most of the rest of the world.


  6. August 08, 2020 at 3:44 pm, Carolyn said:

    One last word…as a Medical Professional who has worked with highly contagious and deadly disease patients, in other areas. The President. after consulting with disease professionals did the right thing. From ventilators, supplies, building additional hospitals, staffing. He had no play book, he went on knowledge and info from disease experts. He had choices to make trying to safe lives…If your demo. or repub. didn’t matter, President Trump did what he felt was right. And he did safe lives. This is Coming from a person that was on the front line


    • August 09, 2020 at 1:02 pm, DPM said:

      > oh please, spare us all the bullsh-t. Trump allowed exemptions that allowed thousands to enter the US from hot spots, threw EVERY thing to the Governors, ridiculed mask wearing, pushed to open WAY too soon, talked of injecting bleach, and on & on & on. One has to be a grade-A moron to think Trump did anything right!!!


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