November 17th, 2014 by WCBC Radio
The Allegany County Commissioners took a surprise action last week, voting to re-appoint Creade Brodie Jr. to a seat on the Potomac Highlands Airport Authority- just a few months after Brodie stepped down as a result on ongoing controversy and dissent between board members. Outgoing Commission President Mike McKay, who has been elected to the Maryland House of Delegates, said he did not want to leave office with a vacancy on the board- and a perception that the two counties were at odds. Commissioner-elect Jake Shade, the top vote getter in November’s election, had said during the campaign that if elected, he would ask for all three county representatives to resign. Shade, a guest on WCBC’s “Dave Norman Show” said he stands by the statement, and added that he was disappointed to see what is essentially a lame duck board of commissioners make such a move with just a few weeks for the new board is sworn in: