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Proposal Made At Hearing To Appoint Committee To Rename Negro Mountain

February 26th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

Baltimore City Delegate Nick Mosby speaking during a hearing in Annapolis this week on his proposal to appoint a committee to rename Negro Mountain in Garrett County.  House Joint Resolution 12 calls for the establishment of a group to inform Maryland’s governor, General Assembly, state archives, geological survey and Department of Natural Resources of a new name for Negro Mountain by the end of the year. Last year, the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration removed four Negro Mountain signs — two from Interstate 68 and two from U.S. Alternate Route 40. Among those testifying in favor of establishing a committee to rename the mountain was Carmen Jackson, President of the Allegany County NAACP. Jackson, a native of Chicago who has resided in Frostburg for 40 years, relayed a story of the first time she drove over the mountain…


Delegate Wendell Beitzel who represents Garrett County, serves on the Rules and Executive Nominating Committee which conducted the hearing…


11 Responses to “Proposal Made At Hearing To Appoint Committee To Rename Negro Mountain”

  1. February 26, 2020 at 6:04 am, Steve said:

    Leave well enough alone, if Politicians want to do something with some meaning……..CLEAN up Baltimore!!!!!


    • February 26, 2020 at 8:59 pm, Jay said:

      Hell yeah Steve. Let’s rename Iron’s Mountain KKK Hill.


  2. February 26, 2020 at 6:28 am, jim said:

    Donald Trump Mountain


  3. February 26, 2020 at 6:38 am, Ken said:

    Leave it to Carmen Jackson to create issues where there are none.


  4. February 26, 2020 at 8:42 am, David said:

    They had to make up stuff to get some outrage built up. Rather than deal with reality they create a false narrative and strike out at it. Typical.


  5. February 26, 2020 at 9:20 am, Sharon S Kuhlman said:

    If I remember my history of this area, that mountain was named for a black companion of Dan Cresap. He saved Dan’s life on that mountain and since the man was called “Negro” as his name (if he had another name, don’t know). the mountain was named to honor this man. Thus it is not derogatory! However, in this day and age, I can understand someone wanting to change it; however, as rich as we are in local history, I would hate to see the history involved changed or altered. Is there a compromise here?


  6. February 26, 2020 at 2:52 pm, Arthur Hanlin said:

    Leave we’ll enough alone. Let’s spend the legislature’s time on future potential history and leave past history alone. Do something constructive.


  7. February 26, 2020 at 4:46 pm, Frederick Mckenzie said:

    Lived in these mountains my 81 years, there has never been anything said derogatory about that sign or name. Don’t make an issue about it. Its a part of our history.


  8. February 26, 2020 at 5:34 pm, Dave said:

    So Carman left Chicago 40 years ago and a road sign made her afraid. In 1980 over 800 people were killed in Chicago and in the WHOLE state of Maryland less than 400 were killed. And a sign make her afraid? Are we supposed to take her seriously? Sounds more like she likes to draw attentions to herself. She should try taking up a cause that is a real problem, like Baltimore, where people are killed regularly


    • February 27, 2020 at 7:58 am, AJ said:

      > I’ve been in areas in Chicago (Carmen’s hometown) and Baltimore, where I was scared to death…..and it had nothing to do with highway, road or street signs. Maybe these two should use their time and efforts to address the real threat. Crime in their own towns. I’m a female and the only time I’ve felt “afraid” while driving alone over Negro Mountain is when there’s fog or snow. The only living threat that I’ve worried about is deer running into the highway. And Carmen… brave of you to move to Frostburg, so close to that scary dang sign! Ha!


  9. February 28, 2020 at 9:34 pm, Bill said:

    Why is Nick Mosby interested in this now when last session he blew off a meeting with Delegate Beitzel without an explanation? Maybe he should actually come to this beautiful mountain and read the plaque that explains the name. As far as Ms Jackson goes, I agree with the previous comments. You left Chicago and a sign scared you. All of you involved should study the history and celebrate the name. It’s only been around since the mid seventeen hundreds.


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