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Parrott Sponsors Lemonade Stand Measure

January 27th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

At 12:00 P.M. On Tuesday, January 28th, Delegate Neil C. Parrott (2A – Washington County) will host a press conference regarding House Bill 52. (Local Government – Lemonade Stands – Prohibition on Regulation by Local Law)

The conference will be held in the courtyard with the Maryland flag styled pavement. It is located between the two flagpoles just outside of the main public entrance to the Lowe House Office Building at 6 Bladen St, Annapolis, MD, 21401.

Delegate Parrott and Delegate Johnson, (34A – Harford County) who is cosponsoring the bill, will speak about the bill with policy experts from area think tanks, including the Heritage Foundation and the Heartland Institute. All will later testify before the House Environment and Transportation Committee.

If enacted, the Bill would prevent Maryland counties or municipalities from banning the sale of lemonade by children. HB 52 will be heard by the House Environment and Transportation Committee at 1 P.M.

In addition, a surprise guest with a personal connection to the need for this bill will speak at the press conference. The identity of the special guest will be announced by Delegate Parrott’s office at 9 A.M. tomorrow morning.

The full text of HB 52 can be found here:

Delegate Parrott is a candidate for the Republican nomination for the 6th District seat in Congress.

4 Responses to “Parrott Sponsors Lemonade Stand Measure”

  1. January 27, 2020 at 3:56 pm, Kevin said:

    Lemonade stand protection bill? Wow, Democracy is saved, its only a matter of time before the terminated mill workers revive western Maryland with a sea of Westernport Lemonade, made with the sparkling waters of mill runoff. I always thought Parrot was the serious one . . .


  2. January 27, 2020 at 4:37 pm, Steve said:

    This is remarkable, you mean there was a law that prohibited children from selling lemonade? You folks, after this, need to find out the politician(s) who voted to make it prohibited & ensure they are no longer lawmakers & loose all their benefits (past & present). It just makes you wonder what you do…………………..especially with what you are paid plus benefits at the taxpayers expense when son many folks are struggling.


  3. January 27, 2020 at 5:04 pm, Linmarie said:

    He is being serious as children should be allowed to earn and learn about business by selling lemonade.


  4. January 27, 2020 at 5:29 pm, jim said:

    Kids do not go outside anymore.


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