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MD Transportation Authority Approves Toll Decreases

May 21st, 2015 by WCBC Radio

The Maryland Transportation Authority board approved Thursday recommendations from MdTA staff to decrease tolls across the state, increase E-ZPass discounts and eliminate the monthly $1.50 E-ZPass account fee. From the Chesapeake Bay and Hatem bridges to the Gov. Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge to the Baltimore Harbor crossings, the Intercounty Connector and the new I-95 express toll lanes, the toll reductions, which take effect July 1, will save Maryland motorists $270 million over the next five years, according to information from Gov. Larry Hogan’s office. While popular with the public according to early polls, the plan hasn’t been embraced by everyone- including Senate President Mike Miller.  Miller  expressed concern with the abruptness of the decision- pointing out that  no information was made available to the public or members of the General Assembly before the MdTA board met…


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