December 28th, 2017 by WCBC Radio
A Maryland State Trooper made a bit of history in Baltimore County last weekend.

Trooper First Class Anthony Wallace became the first officer to make more than 100 DUI arrests four years in a row, which broke a statewide record for the Maryland State Police.
Until this year, Wallace and one other officer with Maryland’s State police Impaired Driving Reduction Effort had made more than 100 arrests for three consecutive years.
The State Police Impaired Driving Reduction Effort was formed in May 2013 dedicated to reaching the state’s goal of zero deaths on Maryland’s roadways. Since its inception, the team has been responsible for more than 7,600 traffic stops resulting in more than 2,500 DUI arrests.
Wallace graduated from the 140th Maryland State police Academy Class in December 2013 and within six months he was recruited by the impaired-driving team.