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MD Sees Drop in Unemployment Cases, Expects New Filings

May 1st, 2020 by WCBC Radio

Maryland Department of Labor officials report over 37,000 Maryland residents and nearly 3,900,000 Americans overall filed unemployment insurance claims last week, down from the previous week. WBAL reports however, new filings are poised to skyrocket. In the week ending in April 25, a total of 37,225 Maryland residents filed for unemployment insurance benefits claims with the Maryland Department of Labor Division of Unemployment Insurance amid the coronavirus pandemic.  However, over the weekend, the state launched a website to allow workers who don't receive a W-2 to file for unemployment assistance. Those workers were allowed access to unemployment benefits under the federal CARES Act.  Governor Larry Hogan said this week that that more than 100,000 Marylanders had successfully filed for unemployment through that website and tens of thousands more have registered accounts…

2 Responses to “MD Sees Drop in Unemployment Cases, Expects New Filings”

  1. May 01, 2020 at 7:23 am, David said:

    Apparently this web site is a mess and many people can’t access it.


  2. May 02, 2020 at 12:27 pm, Goose said:

    Totally false! I have had no problem accessing it.


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