April 15th, 2016 by WCBC Radio
Angela Frost and Charity Walters, John Humbird Elementary School parent volunteers, were recently selected as Allegany County’s co-semifinalists in 9th annual Maryland Parent Involvement Matters Award (PIMA) program. This year’s program theme is “Choose Your Seat. Get Involved.”
This unique awards program honors parents and others with legal responsibility for a child whose exemplary contributions to public education have led to improvements for Maryland’s public school children, teachers, schools, programs and policies.
Judges for the award program select 24 local semifinalists, one parent from each county in Maryland and Baltimore City, to be recognized for having a significant and positive impact on public education in their respective schools and communities.
The awards nomination process highlights five areas of involvement including communication, volunteering, learning, decision-making, and community collaboration. These areas are based on the family involvement framework outlined by the National Network of Partnership Schools at John’s Hopkins University.
Heather Morgan, Principal at John Humbird Elementary School, nominated Angela Frost and Charity Walters, who had this to say about them, “Mrs. Frost and Mrs. Walters have done a lot at our school to be recognized for, but for the past two years they have been the volunteers that have kept the volunteer program existing in the building. They are true examples of parents who should be recognized for this award.” She went on to say, “Neither expects any recognition for the work they do. They recognize the need or initiate a task because it will benefit the school and students.”
Both parents represent the school on the county’s Parent Advisory Council; they provide weekly communication with teachers to prepare for lessons; they provide school readiness packets for parents; they create the school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support posters; and they volunteer as necessary throughout the school.