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Jealous Picks Up AFSCME Endorsement

September 3rd, 2018 by WCBC Radio

As August wrapped up, Ben Jealous, Democrat candidate for Governor in Maryland, picked up a key union endorsement from the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 3 endorsed Jealous citing his commitment to lowering prescription drug costs and history of working as an executive at the NAACP protecting worker pensions and successfully managing the financial apparatus such that the organization doubled its revenue stream during his tenure. AFSCME represents over 28,000 Maryland's state employees and university workers and has been an outspoken critic of the failure of basic governance displayed by Larry Hogan leading to massive staffing shortages including of correctional officers.  As Jealous and Hogan continue to seek support from various groups and political leaders- Maryland’s Comptroller Peter Franchot will essentially sit this one out. Franchot, although a Democrat, has been a consistent ally and has a good working relationship with the state’s republican governor…


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