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Hogan unveils new COVID metrics for schools

August 28th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

Saying that continued full closure of in-person instruction in Maryland public schools was “simply not acceptable,” Governor Larry Hogan on Thursday unveiled a new set of coronavirus metrics that he said would allow all school systems to reopen their doors to students.  Given the new metrics, Hogan said, every county school system is “fully authorized to begin safely reopening.” That said, he acknowledged, the final decision is still up to county school boards., as well as teachers unions and associations.  Though 16 systems have made reopening plans, eight other county school boards “have not even attempted” to develop plans to bring students back in person.  Allegany County was among the eight school systems identified by the governor as having not submitted a plan…

9 Responses to “Hogan unveils new COVID metrics for schools”

  1. August 28, 2020 at 6:45 am, mac said:

    Allegany County was among the eight school systems identified by the governor as having not submitted a plan…

    Late with their homework again. They’re still working on that audit.


  2. August 28, 2020 at 7:09 am, Charles said:

    The reality is that there is not a satisfactory way to reopen in person instruction following the Health Deptartment requirments. Due to student populations in the lower grades it makes hybird plans non-functional. Return to in person instruction when the schools can be operated in a normal fashion.


    • August 28, 2020 at 7:36 am, mac said:

      > You’ll notice that Hogan’s reopening plan is based on ‘metrics’ to be decided on by the school system. There is no mention of the Health Department having the final say, or any say so in the decision.


  3. August 28, 2020 at 7:18 am, Jed said:

    So again , kids are the ones affected. They will continue to fall behind because the county wants the lazy approach.


  4. August 28, 2020 at 7:46 am, BD said:

    Many parents, myself included, are considering a full removal of their children from the public school system. Other online learning platforms are available to all county residents. Many of these are covered by the same tax dollars that fund the public schools. The coronavirus exists in the same form as it did in March when they closed the schools. No vaccine. No treatment. So explain to me how it is safe now???? This is nonsense. Up until now Hogan has done great. I hope he hasn’t caved to the ridiculous demands that have been put into place by those who seem to be very far removed from reality.


  5. August 28, 2020 at 8:02 am, Goose said:

    I’ve supported this Governor throughout this pandemic. I respectfully disagree with his all schools must reopen. The one metric he refuses to mention is that children are vessels of the spread of Covid. He’s caving into the idiots that insist schools open. All one has to do is look at our region’s metrics as more and more children are being reported as having Covid. The morning mayor is one of those referred to above because he refuses as does his political hero Trump pushes for the same thing! Not smart and not healthy thinking.


  6. August 28, 2020 at 9:33 am, Tim said:

    The positivity rate is 3.3%. Come on people. It was 26% in April and has fallen every month. The kids need to be in school. The politics of this must stop.


    • August 28, 2020 at 10:23 am, mac said:

      > The rate was higher when they tested suspected cases only. Now they will test every Tom, Dick, and Harry that walks through the door. The more non-affected individuals that are tested will lower the rate.
      Do you really think that those numbers reflect what is happening out there?


    • August 28, 2020 at 12:58 pm, mac said:

      > W.Va. rate on Friday was 3.14 and also recorded 191 positive cases and 3 deaths. Don’t put a lot of faith in those numbers.


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