May 13th, 2017 by WCBC Radio
FrostburgFirst and the Frostburg Museum are hosting Find Frostburg, an interactive citywide scavenger hunt, on May 13 from 1 to 3 p.m. as a fundraiser for both organizations. Participants will be able to test their knowledge of the city’s history and current offerings by finding clues around town and following the directions. Players will post to Instagram to earn points to win gift cards redeemable at local businesses and tickets to downtown events. Registration begins at 11:30 a.m. at the St. Michael Church Courtyard and the cost to participate is $20 per team. Each team may have up to five members. One member of the team must register a public Instagram account that will be used to submit photos with designated hashtags to earn points. Scorekeepers will use the @FrosburgFirst account to track the teams throughout the scavenger hunt, giving a “like” to indicate the submission has been counted. Teams must return to the registration station by 3 p.m. For more information and the full official rules, visit, call 301-689-6900 or email Bethany Doyle at