March 26th, 2014 by WCBC Radio
While state lawmakers seem to be ready to go down to the wire on the minimum wage issue- Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot is urging caution. Governor Martin O’Malley’s proposal to raise the minimum wage remains in the Senate, where the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee wants to tie an increase in the minimum wage to a an increase in state funding for salaries for aides to the disabled. Senator Mac Middleton has been meeting with aides to O'Malley to address the issue. Middleton says his committee may vote on a minimum wage bill this week. The House has already approved a bill to raise the minimum wage to $10.10- an hour by January, 2017. Franchot, the state’s chief fiscal officer, says he has no problems in theory with efforts to hike the minimum wage- however its potential negative impacts- especially for small business owners- have to be seriously considered prior to any concrete action…