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Franchot Opposed To Tax Increases To Pay For Kirwan Reforms

February 26th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

Count state Comptroller Peter Franchot among Marylanders who support the education reforms floated by the Kirwan Commission but have little appetite for a tax increase. The commission spent three years crafting a 10-year plan to improve schools- however failed to include a concrete plan to pay for it. State lawmakers have floated proposals including an expansion of the sales tax to cover services and a new tax on digital advertising to cover the state's share of the $32.6 billion to fund the reforms over 10 years. Franchot tells WBAL Radio that, like Governor Larry Hogan,   he is staunchly opposed any tax increases to pay for the commission's recommendations…

4 Responses to “Franchot Opposed To Tax Increases To Pay For Kirwan Reforms”

  1. February 26, 2020 at 6:32 am, jim said:

    Take it out of teachers’ salaries.


    • February 26, 2020 at 8:55 pm, Jay said:

      Most local educators have a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree plus in addition to many years of experience at their craft. Even with those qualifications and educational credentials teachers salaries are still far below what jobs in other fields pay given similar resumes.


  2. February 26, 2020 at 3:34 pm, Brian said:

    Most of the employees of the Board of Education are already in the top 10% of wage earners in Allegany County with many in top positions in the top 1% of wage earners in Allegany County and it still will not be enough money when you can buy a house for $100,000 and you’re making $60,000 a year that’s a pretty good job unlike Prince George’s County what teachers make 60 to $64,000 a year and houses cost half a million dollars


    • February 26, 2020 at 8:50 pm, Jay said:

      First, even in Appalachia Allegany County you can’t get much of a house for $100K. At least not one that doesn’t need a lot of work. Second, it doesn’t say much for our local economy if teachers are in the top percentile of wage earners in our area.


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