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EMS reps voice concerns about rumored department shutdowns

August 28th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

EMS representatives packed the Allegany County Commissioners meeting on Thursday voicing concern over a perceived threat of having their departments shutdown. At the core of this dispute is the billing percentage split between the Allegany County Department of Emergency Services and the various volunteer fire and rescue squads.  Without additional funding, many of the volunteer departments could be forced to closed. Emergency Services director Jim Pyles was a primary target of the criticisms with volunteers suggesting that he was threatening to shutdown the volunteer operations unless they turned the department over to the county…



5 Responses to “EMS reps voice concerns about rumored department shutdowns”

  1. August 28, 2020 at 6:42 am, mac said:

    No thanks to consolidation with the County. My local volunteer ambulance is close, knows where I live and they are a top flight, well staffed group.
    If Pyles gets his way he will shut down local services and consolidate with the entire County increasing run times and pocketing more monies for himself.


  2. August 28, 2020 at 8:30 am, Martin D Fornwalt said:

    Has anyone realize just how important all our volunteers are in all our communities? We need to keep them solvent! I live in Cumberland, were we have tax dollars, fund our outstanding service. But, if we get beyond the city limits. We have these great volunteers who jump into action, when someone needs it most. Do what ever it takes to keep our area funded.


  3. August 28, 2020 at 10:56 am, Ron said:

    Now there’s something we all can agree on…the importance of community volunteers!


  4. August 28, 2020 at 3:18 pm, Jed said:

    Anyone else noticed on every call the county alerts not only the volunteer company and a paid county crew then on top of that a county paid Lt. Why so many personnel and ambulances? When I ran in 90′s a BLS crew could handle BLS calls , now a BLS calls requires a county paid crew and a county paid Lt. , Regardless if its a basic call or not. Hugh waste of tax dollars and abuse if power. One can easily tell the leader is former LE.


  5. August 28, 2020 at 5:49 pm, Ed Dodrill said:

    Nothing consolidates in Allegany County. Hasn’t everybody already gotten the message by now. You hold on to your lot and circle the wagons.


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