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Delaney Meets With Constituents

June 3rd, 2016 by WCBC Radio

Sixth District Congressman John Delaney held office hours at Parkside School in LaVale this week, meeting with constituents, and with WCBC News. Since Wednesday was also the final day of the school year, we asked Delaney about his hopes for students in Allegany County schools, looking 10 years down the road…

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February 29th, 2016 by WCBC Radio

Maryland Sixth District Congressman John Delaney visited Garrett and Allegany counties last week to meet one-on-one with constituents. Delaney, seeking a third term in this year’s election, said that he routinely schedules such meetings in every part of his district which stretches from Garrett County to include parts of Frederick and Montgomery counties. As for what is on the minds of those citizens in the western most part of the district- the congressman tells WCBC News that there are a wide range of issues, however the economy is usually at the top of the list of concerns…


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