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Delaney Continues Minimum Wage Raise Battle

December 29th, 2014 by WCBC Radio

With Maryland’s minimum wage increasing to $8 per hour beginning January 1-  Representative John Delaney says he’ll continue to work to see a federal minimum wage increase approved. Last year, President Barack Obama threw his support behind a Democratic proposal to raise the federal wage floor to $10.10 an hour. In January, Obama announced he would raise the minimum wage for federal contractors to $10.10, pushing Congress to do the same on a national level. Republicans, however, have pushed back on the proposal.  In April, Senate Republicans blocked a bill that would have gradually increased the wage, citing concerns over the impact on businesses and job growth.  Delaney, a former CEO,  lobbied heavily for his home state to increase the wage- and the 2nd term democrat now wants to see the nation follow suit:


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