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Cox Seeking Amendments To Legislation

February 16th, 2015 by WCBC Radio

With legislation mandating a post Labor Day start of the school year in Maryland having the backing of the Governor and the Comptroller- momentum is gaining, however local school officials are still fighting against it. Allegany County School Superintendent Dr David Cox, during this month’s regular board meeting, said that he and other officials met recently with State Senator George Edwards to propose some amendments to the legislation. One option would allow waivers to Allegany and Garrett counties based on three year averages of days missed due to inclement weather. Another would grant Allegany and Garrett Counties permission to designate Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, the Monday following  Easter and Memorial Day as make-up days.  Cox says the primary concern for schools in western Maryland is the large number of instructional days that could conceivably be lost…

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