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Convention Center Coronavirus Testing Site To Open

June 16th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

Governor Larry Hogan has announced that a free coronavirus testing site will open Wednesday at the Baltimore Convention Center. .Patients are encouraged to schedule an appointment. Walk-in slots will be offered as long as schedule slots are available. The testing site will be open Wednesdays and Fridays.

Last week, Hogan announced that the state would ramp up testing in Baltimore City in light of the massive street protests and urged anyone who had attended a protest to get tested.

“We are strongly encouraging anyone who wants to be tested for COVID-19, and anyone who has been in any large gathering, or who may have been exposed—especially those who are in or around vulnerable populations—to get tested,” Hogan said in a statement. “As more people are returning to the workplace, and as more people are beginning to interact with larger numbers of people, testing will become more critical than ever.”'

3 Responses to “Convention Center Coronavirus Testing Site To Open”

  1. June 16, 2020 at 12:26 pm, Doug said:

    Where is Cumberland or Allegany Countys FREE testing site?


  2. June 16, 2020 at 4:40 pm, jim said:

    Why do that when repeatedly reporting dropping Maryland rates?


  3. June 17, 2020 at 7:06 am, mac said:

    The testing may find some pre-symptomatic individuals but many others will go in for the free test just for the hell of it. After the test some non infected people will be feeling indestructible and possibly slack off on distancing and the wearing of a mask.
    Then the virus may find it’s 2nd wind, so to speak.


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