September 18th, 2018 by WCBC Radio
The confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh is up in the air after allegations of inappropriate high school behavior surfaced in a letter to California Senator Diane Feinstein.
Sixth District Congressional Candidate Amie Hoeber told WCBC’s Dave Norman that she fully supports the nomination of Kavanaugh and thinks the last minute nature of the information is questionable…
September 18, 2018 at 4:03 pm, Pat Davis said:
Amie is right. The liberal socialist media which includes WCBC are willing to pass sentence on a person of impeccable qualifications for a Supreme Court Judge. Considered already guilty without any substantial evidence by the MSM, Kavanaugh faces a tough fight for approval. The left wing idiocy is willing to let our country be driven down because they hate Trump. They have no regard for justice because Trump won the election. Almost all their evidence consists of unnamed sources and questionable testimony.