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Committee To Consider Medical Marijuana Expansion

March 25th, 2014 by WCBC Radio

On Tuesday, members of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee are expected to consider a bill to expand medical marijuana in Maryland. The committee is considering a bill that passed the House of Delegates that would allow individual doctors with special certification to prescribe marijuana.  The marijuana would come from one of ten licensed growers.  A number of committee members would like to see that number increased. Two weeks ago, the Senate passed the bill that would reduce the penalties for possessing less than 10 grams of marijuana from 90-days in jail to a $100 fine.  The bill remains in the House Judiciary Committee, which let a similar bill die last year without a vote. The chairman of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee, Democrat Brian Frosh says combining the two bills could be risky, noting the House Judiciary Committee Chairman Joe Vallario might not let that bill get a committee vote. Frosh says at this point there is no shortage of potential amendments…


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