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Commissioners Hold Off on Baseball Team Feasibility Study

March 28th, 2014 by WCBC Radio

A contract to study the feasibility of bringing a professional baseball team to Allegany County was one of the items handled by the Allegany County Commissioners during Thursday’s meeting- which had a bit of a baseball theme with opening day of the 2014 season  just days away. Ultimately, the commissioners decided to hold off on voting on the idea of a study.  County Commissioner Bill Valentine tells WCBC News the  proposed cost of the contract would be no more than $7,500 to be awarded to Brailsford and Dunlavey Inc., a Washington, D.C. consulting firm that has done baseball studies for communities including Fredericksburg, Va., and Morgantown, W.Va., The project would only move to a second phase if the county obtains a written statement of interest from a team after the Phase I study.


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