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Former Commissioner says Caporale needs to get his facts straight on wind mill issues

November 15th, 2019 by WCBC Radio

Allegany County Commissioner Dave Caporale last week reading from a prepared statement that criticzed some opponents of the proposed Dan’s Mountain Wind Mill project for spreading false information. He specially made mention of former County Commissioner Bill Valentine who has spoken of the potential for wind mills to interfere with radio communications. Caporale pointed to wind farms in neighboring Garrett County creating no such problems. Valentine chided Caporale, claiming he doesn’t have all the facts, and said there is certainly reason to raise questions about possible radio problems…

12 Responses to “Former Commissioner says Caporale needs to get his facts straight on wind mill issues”

  1. November 15, 2019 at 5:36 am, mac said:

    Bill Valentine’s other big concern is removing flouride from the water.


    • November 15, 2019 at 6:41 am, Greg said:

      > Valentines playing political payback because of getting trounced in primary


  2. November 15, 2019 at 6:54 am, Zufall said:

    Windmills are obviously something that the citizens of Allegany County don’t want. They are being forced down our throats by Caporale. So in the end Caporale isn’t something that the citizens of Allegany County will want to return to office next election. That simple.


    • November 15, 2019 at 7:29 am, Connie said:

      > Wind Farms bring work for the trades in the area plus needed revenue for the county. There is much misinformation when a project is in the process of coming into the area. Are people willing to give up their cell phones because they don’t like the looks of the cell towers? I don’t think so.


      • November 15, 2019 at 7:41 am, Zufall said:

        Connie it is more than just cell phones. Its interference with the 911 operations. Are you willing to let your house burn down because these steel giants are causing interference with the emergency response system? Plus the jobs these things create are temporary at best. Outside the area contractors mostly build them and pay taxes out of the area and then leave as soon as they are built. What are we to do with them once they are decommissioned? What happens when the business operating them abandons them? Will the temporary tax revenue these beast create the first 5 years offset the 20% decrease in property values in 30% of the county homes? Doubtful.


        • November 15, 2019 at 9:31 am, Connie said:

          > I am local and have worked with wind farm contractors for seven years. Only the top supervisory is brought in from the area where the company’s headquarters is located. I would have to see the proof of the interference with 911. That is one that I have never heard of. Ask the unions about the jobs. They will tell you the trades love them. There are many jobs created and then maintenance jobs after the construction is completed. It is in the contracts that the towers be replaced after the 20 year lifetime or the land be taken back to the original condition. Do you have proof of the decrease in property values? I would also have to see that. Garrett County has welcomed the revenue but as usual Allegany County is behind the times.


          • November 15, 2019 at 9:43 am, Zufall said:

            > Real estate and appraisal businesses maintain that wind power does affect property values. Michael McCann of McCann Appraisal, LLC out of Chicago said that “residential property values are adversely and measurably impacted by close-proximity of industrial-scale wind energy turbine projects to the residential properties,” if they are up to 3.2 km away. They decrease a property’s value by 35 to 40 per cent.

            According to the London School of Economics, wind farms decrease property value by up to 12 per cent if the home is within a two km radius and can even affect a property’s value up to 14 km away from the home.

            In fact, the Ontario Superior Court ruled in 2013 that landowners living near large wind farms suffer from lower property values. That court said it decreased property values by 22 to 55 per cent.

  3. November 15, 2019 at 7:33 am, mac said:

    If Valentine states that Caporale doesn’t have all of the facts concerning radio interference then just go prove it to him.
    Drive a police cruiser to the ridge line above Frostburg or above Wellersburg, Pa. and test the radios. The car radio and the personal radio. Stand immediately in front of, behind, and in the middle space between two of the windmills. Check all frequencies, both sending and receiving.
    This simple test will show whether or not the windmill is generating radio interference.
    Just to make sure, continue to broadcast and receive while driving away to be sure that the interference isn’t generated at some middle distance away from the tower.
    That will give the proof needed, one way or the other.


  4. November 15, 2019 at 12:30 pm, LRH said:

    As I have said before, unless they demonstrability lower my utility bill, they are ugly and I don’t want to look at them PERIOD.

    A few more bucks in the county coffers is NOT a good enough reason for me.


  5. November 15, 2019 at 12:37 pm, Kevin said:

    Gee, it is taking a long time for Bill to ‘just fade away,’ . . .


  6. November 15, 2019 at 2:02 pm, David said:

    It seems like any time local officials have a conflict with one another, Bill Valentine is always involved. Wasn’t he the same person that caused the problem with the city and with the Board of Education? Bill Valentine is the common denominator when it comes to stirring up trouble in a negative way.


  7. November 18, 2019 at 9:30 am, Ken said:

    LRH, Interesting position. How do you feel about the Warrior Run Generating Station? Do you feel that it devalues the property nearby? Would you care to discuss what health issues may be involved with a coal-fired plant?

    Zufall, After a brief search across the net, nothing of any credibility turned up suggesting that your claims are realistic. Can you provide any proof of your claims?


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