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City Seeks Individuals to Serve

July 26th, 2011 by WCBC Radio

The Cumberland Mayor and City Council is seeking individuals who would be interested in serving on the city’s Downtown Development Commission and Human Relations Commission.

One vacancy currently exists on the Downtown Development Commission (DDC) and must be filled by a property owner or business owner from the Primary Benefit District.  The Primary District is comprised of those properties which front the pedestrian mall on Baltimore Street, Centre Street, or Liberty Street.  The full membership of the DDC includes thirteen members, with twelve of those members being representatives of the two benefit districts of the mall, and one seat being reserved for appointment from the general population of the City.  Charged with governing the uses and regulations of the downtown mall, the DDC currently meets the second Thursday of each month at City Hall.  Appointment to this Commission is for a three-year term.

The Human Relations Commission (HRC) also currently has one vacant seat.  This commission was created to address discrimination issues within the community and is provided the powers to accomplish that objective. The HRC is granted the authority to receive and investigate complaints and resolve disputes involving unlawful discriminatory practices, provide advice and assistance on matters relating to human rights, develop programs designed to bring about the prevention and elimination of discrimination, and adopt rules and regulations to allow the commission to carry out its assigned functions.  The Commission meets on a monthly basis and is comprised of seven members who are appointed for three-year terms.

Individuals interested in serving on either of these commissions are asked to submit letters of interest by August 19, 2011 to the Mayor and City Council, Attn: City Clerk, 57 N. Liberty Street, Cumberland, MD  21502; or through email to the City Clerk at

For additional information on either of these commissions, please contact the Acting City Administrator’s office at 301-759-6424.

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