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City Police Officers Honored With Certificates Of Recognition

July 9th, 2015 by WCBC Radio

On the morning of April 28th, at 4 a.m., six Cumberland Police officers left the city heading into riot-torn Baltimore.  On Tuesday night the Cumberland Mayor and City Council honored those officers with certificates of recognition.  Police and other agencies throughout the region were dispatched to Baltimore where rock-throwing youths began attacking Baltimore Police officers in riot gear in the northwest part of the city at mid-afternoon Monday April 27th. The violence began just a few hours after the funeral for 25-year-old Freddy Gray, who died a short time after his arrest on April 12. He suffered spinal cord and other injuries and the incident remains under investigation. Mayor Brian Grim said that this was not just a case of serving as backup or support for Baltimore Police, as the local officers immediately were dispatched to some of the more dangerous areas of the city…


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