September 6th, 2019 by WCBC Radio
The Cumberland mayor and City Council conducted a public hearing and the voted to raise $3.8 million through a municipal bond sale for a variety of improvements, including purchasing a new fire truck and additional street paving work. The City Council voted unanimously to approve raising the funds through the sale of General Obligation Series B Infrastructure Bonds. City Administrator Jeff Rhodes said there are approximately 50 different projects that will get taken care of, including a new ladder truck for the Cumberland Fire Department; a chassis for an International 2011 ambulance; street paving projects; improvements to the HVAC system at City Hall; and also allow for the purchase of a new utility truck and a 5-ton dump truck. During the public hearing, just one constituent spoke, asking Rhodes how long it will take the city to pay off the debt….
September 06, 2019 at 8:11 am, Rick said:
Their just creating more debt with no new ways to pay for things. God help the future generations of Cumberland when people are so quick to just borrow more money. Learn to live within your means Cumberland and find new ways to pay for things or start cutting expenses now!
September 08, 2019 at 6:24 am, Mark said:
Have to go further in debt because the city has wasted many millions on Grim’s Folly aka ‘Rolling Mill’ and millions on ‘consultants’ and other dumb/corrupt things.