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Citizens Want Answers To Carver Community Center’s Missing Renovation Funds

December 19th, 2019 by WCBC Radio

The former Carver High School and more recently Carver Community Center on Frederick Street is in disrepair and has been sitting vacant for many years- and on Tuesday a number of citizens, including members of the local NAACP, approached the Cumberland City Council looking for answers. The Carver School opened in 1923- closed in 1959- and then re-opened for use by Allegany College of Maryland from 1969 thru 1977. In 2002, the Allegany County Commissioners transferred the deed to the facility to the Carver Community Center Inc. for $1. Plans were on the table at one point for the building to be renovated and re-opened as a community center- but those plans never materialized. Addressing the council, Richard Beckwith, presented a brief history of the building, and ultimately demanded to know where nearly two million in funding that had been earmarked for its renovation had gone…


Mayor Ray Morriss assured Beckwith that the city has a great interest in seeing the Carver building thrive as a renovated community center- and he will be working with legal counsel to determine exactly what happened to the money as well as plans for the project…

4 Responses to “Citizens Want Answers To Carver Community Center’s Missing Renovation Funds”

  1. December 19, 2019 at 10:19 am, Bill Brauch said:

    1.9 MILLION gone missing? Where did this defunct non-profit source that much money? Just think how ALL citizens of Cumberland could have benefited from 1.9 MILLION going to Constitution Park! I hope Mr. Beckwith and the Mayor Morriss finds the answer soon and makes it public. What does ex-Mayor Grimm have to say? This happened on Grimm’s watch.


  2. December 19, 2019 at 12:24 pm, Paul P said:

    what does this have to do with the city or grimm? the county gave the building away to a community group that spent the money fixing up a building that obviously nobody wanted. grimm was notorious for tearing down junk buildings in this town like east side school. now carver school is just sitting there locked up but renovated inside a section of it. this seems like a hit job on somebody and bill brauch makes it seem like its suppose to target grimm. did morriss put you up to this bill brauch?


  3. December 19, 2019 at 3:02 pm, Mark said:

    Grimm probably stole it to pee away on the Rolling Mill Folly!


  4. December 20, 2019 at 2:04 pm, Ed Dodrill said:

    The Carver debacle needs a full investigation. Much of this happened under “do nothing” Lee Fiedler. I think he got out of town.


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