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CEDC Executive Directors Says Elimination Of “Special Mall Tax” Is Essential To The Bottom Line

February 24th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

The executive director of the Cumberland Economic Development Corporation says that the taxes levied on shops and properties in the downtown mall area are acting as a deterrent to businesses they hope to attract. Addressing the issue during a recent meeting with the Cumberland City Council, Paul Kelly said the so-called “special mall tax”- if it remains- could lead to people choosing to locate their businesses elsewhere. While both Kelly and Mayor Ray Morris spoke in support of abolishing the tax- they also recognize that services provided for mall property owners and businesses- will have to be covered in some manner and that will have a cost associated with it.  Regardless of how those services are addressed in the future, Kelly says eliminating the mall tax is essential to the bottom line- attracting and retaining businesses for the downtown area…

10 Responses to “CEDC Executive Directors Says Elimination Of “Special Mall Tax” Is Essential To The Bottom Line”

  1. February 24, 2020 at 6:55 am, Ken said:

    If the wonderful Paul Kelly and his fabulous CEDC board wants to remove the Mall Tax how do they expect to pay for the music and special events downtown? It is these special events that make our downtown worth visiting and those businesses currently there successful, remove them and we are left with another street like Virginia Avenue. It must be noted that of those illustrious members on the CEDC board that none of their businesses could be identified as financial supporter of any of the events held downtown over the last two years.

    Everyone says “bring back Friday after five”, but the CEDC is going to bulldoze our streetscape and then remove the finical support. They call this progress? Thanks Paul, Matt, Councilmember Seth, John, Barry, Cynthia, Jonathan, Mike, Bill, Brandon!


    • February 24, 2020 at 8:18 am, Jay said:

      “taxes levied on shops and properties in the downtown mall area are acting as a deterrent to businesses they hope to attract”

      Cool. Now we know why more than half of the downtown mall has empty store fronts.


      • February 24, 2020 at 11:20 am, Ken said:

        Jay, I’d ask you do downtown and count the amount of vacant storefronts. Your claim of more than half being vacant is a lie and harmful to our community and the businesses that are currently there.

        While you are counting vacant store fronts, please go count the vacant buildings on Virginia Ave, be sure to count the demolished or boarded up buildings. Then you’ll see just how little of a deterrent the tax is.


        • February 24, 2020 at 11:33 am, Ken said:

          Also note that none of the CEDC board members have businesses on Virginia Ave. This deterrent excuse is a weak argument from a foolish CEDC group.


        • February 24, 2020 at 2:52 pm, Jay said:

          I was guessing on the half. But there are a lot. Not sure why Virginia Ave has anything to do with the downtown mall. What I, or anyone else, say on this forum has no effect, harmful or otherwise on the downtown mall or the businesses there. The mall has been in distress for decades along with Canal Place and for that matter Cumberland in general.


  2. February 24, 2020 at 9:59 am, mac said:

    When the mall is eliminated with the introduction of traffic on Baltimore St. the responsibility for maintenance and upkeep reverts to the City to be treated as any other thoroughfare in the City. If there is to be entertainment on Baltimore St., when the changes are made, that is up to whoever wants to take responsibility. If no one raises their hand then entertainment is finished.


    • February 24, 2020 at 10:16 am, Jay said:

      The Friday After Fives were successful and well attended for one reason only – Ed Mullaney.


    • February 24, 2020 at 7:08 pm, hollywood said:

      Well I hope they don’t treat it like any other thoroughfare. Remember when the pirates and the local citizens invested $20,000. a couple of years ago to upgrade Abrams Field ? I went to city hall and spoke to the gentleman in charge of Rhodes, I’m sorry, that would be roads. I asked him what repairs would be made to Rosewood St. in so far as access to that field would be made. His reply ” we’ll look into it ” Within six months there were two new signs erected at either end of that road. ” NO WINTER MAINTENANCE BEYOND THIS POINT ” Now if we had a real road there, perhaps people wouldn’t drive up there with their off road trucks and dump their old mattresses and sofas. Perhaps another sign is require: ” CITY LANDFILL ” >


  3. February 24, 2020 at 10:42 am, Ed Dodrill said:

    Bring back Ed Mullaney NOW ! ! !


    • February 24, 2020 at 2:45 pm, Jay said:

      Ed is a great guy. I wouldn’t wish that on him or anyone else.


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