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UPDATED: Caporale Comments on Wind, Valentine Responds

November 14th, 2019 by WCBC Radio

The citizens group opposed to wind turbines on Dan’s Mountain has held a series of informational public meetings in recent weeks having held sessions in Bel Air and Midland. The dispute began four years ago and has escalated in the past few months. After first denying a setback variance for the wind farm in 2015,  the Allegany County Board of Zoning Appeals voted 2-1 in October to permit the project. Opponents of the wind farm, led by ANCHOR President Darlene Park, say the turbines create excessive noise pollution, light flicker and destruction of neighborhood views. They also fear the turbines, which are nearly 500 feet tall, will reduce property values. Allegany County Commissioner David Caporale, in a recent prepared statement, said its important for citizens to know all of the facts based on actual statistics and data- and to not pay attention to propaganda being disseminated by some members of the ANCHOR group…

Former County Commissioner Bill Valentine responded to the comments on Thursday's WCBC Dave Norman Morning Program…

10 Responses to “UPDATED: Caporale Comments on Wind, Valentine Responds”

  1. November 14, 2019 at 6:23 am, mac said:

    I would suggest that Darlene Park move right now before property values decline. That will make her and a lot of other people happy.


  2. November 14, 2019 at 7:08 am, Zufall said:

    Caporale is in the pockets of the windfarms, can we believe anything he says?


    • November 14, 2019 at 7:13 am, Jeff said:

      > Sounds to me like he’s a team cheer leader.


      • November 14, 2019 at 7:53 am, Zufall said:

        > Don’t think his team will win the next game if they keep playing like this. I value my home value too much to let someone else take money out of my pocket to line theirs!


  3. November 14, 2019 at 10:32 am, Mark said:

    If what Mr. Caporale is stating about there being no impact to housing values and tourism in Garrett County due to the wind turbines is true, I anticipate there are reports and data to substantiate it. If those reports and data were shared with the public, maybe some of people’s concerns could be alleviated. Regarding his statement about Garrett County not experiencing any radio or communication interference, I wonder if Garrett County has any wind turbine projects in such close proximity to communication towers as this project would have.


  4. November 14, 2019 at 10:33 am, mac said:

    I have one concern regarding what Dave Caporale said in his little blurb. He stated income to Garret County amounting to $3 million. Now that’s great but is that for the same number proposed for Allegany County? Will 17 windmills generate that same money? If not he’s not comparing apples to apples. What amount will 17 windmills generate? Pun intended.


  5. November 14, 2019 at 10:40 am, Hank said:

    They are an eye sore. How is that propaganda? Keep up your opposition Mrs Park


  6. November 14, 2019 at 11:43 am, Ed Dodrill said:

    Fight this money grab ANCHOR! Would Caporale buy a home with a turbine next to it? Come on. These windmills bring ZERO jobs.


    • November 14, 2019 at 12:09 pm, mac said:

      > True these will not bring any jobs other than those for the contractor who will leave town when they are completed. What the County wants is the income. It should be obvious by this time that no one in office is interested in bring jobs to this area. Oh, they will say we’re bringing in a new Chipotle, or a 7Eleven which will bring jobs but those are minimum wage, part time jobs not meaningful, well paid employment. No one can raise a family on that type of work unless they work 2 or 3 jobs at a time. Then everybody in the family suffers. But the franchise owner makes his profit and the City/County get their tax revenue. Somehow they have to generate the money to pay for that wonderful boutique hotel to be built on Baltimore St.


  7. November 14, 2019 at 1:30 pm, Mark said:

    “No decrease in property values” – no wonder – Garrett County had some sense in placing the turbines on the fringes of the county where they cant be noticed much by the tourists at the lake and ski area. Also no where near communication towers as they will be on Dan’s.Ask the people at 4 mile Ridge where there are residences what it has done to their home value! Google property values near windmills…They want to put these things on a mountain that 32000 people in our county live within a 1 1/2 mile radius ! That’s over 50% of Allegany Co population.


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