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ACPS virtual semester to begin September 8th

August 5th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

Following the lead of every other county school system in the state- the  Allegany County Public Schools Board of Education on Tuesday voted unanimously to begin the 2020 – 2021 school year virtually. Students will begin their virtual learning on September 8 and educators will return August 19-21 and September 2-3 in preparation for the start of the school year. The action was taken in response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic- with the board noting that it will continue to assess and monitor the situation moving forward with the ultimate goal being to see kids returning to the classrooms. Board president Tammy Fraley addressed the delay in announcing the back to school plan…


2 Responses to “ACPS virtual semester to begin September 8th”

  1. August 05, 2020 at 9:18 am, WCBC said:

    We are having technical difficulties on our end. Wouldn’t refer to it as an “epic fail”…. just a minor delay! -WCBC


  2. August 05, 2020 at 7:07 pm, George said:

    Thank you to the ACPS BOE for making the responsible decision to keep our children safe. Raising 3 grandchildren, I am fearful for my life at the prospect of having this deadly virus brought home to me. I am all they have.


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