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FSU President Nowaczyk Comments on Reopening

August 1st, 2020 by WCBC Radio

Frosburg State University will reopen for the fall semester on August 17th.  WCBC's Paul Mullan spoke with FSU President Dr. Ron Nowaczyk about the challenges, and limitations, of operating during a pandemic.

4 Responses to “FSU President Nowaczyk Comments on Reopening”

  1. August 01, 2020 at 11:17 pm, Bob said:

    Mickey Mouse leadership begets even less than that. This guy has two “advanced” degrees from Miami University of bloody OHIO! It has a 68% acceptance rate! This is very little less bozo than “Doctor” Cox of ACPS fame. FSU is a national joke for good reason. Teachers training more teachers to turn out mo’ teachers to pay union dues.


  2. August 02, 2020 at 11:14 am, mac said:

    Why jump through all those hoops. Testing, isolating, isolation in a motel and delivering meals. Contact tracing will only show who else has been potentially infected after the fact.
    If online classes are available for distance learning just make it universal and mandatory for this academic school year.
    Why wait and keep expecting the infections to develop and spread?
    It all comes down to the profit motive. FSU wants that residence money. If education is all important to it online.


  3. August 02, 2020 at 6:04 pm, Brian said:

    How in the hell did they let a white man be the president of a college


  4. August 02, 2020 at 7:40 pm, MARTIN D FORNWALT said:

    I do wish them all GOOD LUCK! On reopening, and having their College age, to abide by this new way of this mess! Best wishes, to the families, sending their Young Adults into the unknown, it to tight quarters, dorm rooms, class room, dinning rooms. God bless and protect you all!


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