May 18th, 2015 by WCBC Radio
Senator George Edwards and Delegate Wendell Beitzel have arranged for some interest groups to meet with the Department of Natural Resources Secretary Mark Belton on Wednesday, 5/20 from 10a-12p while he is in Garrett County. The meetings will take place at the Garrett College Tech Center.
10-10.30a TIMBERING
John Forman of Wood Products Inc.
Mike Minnick and Dr. Charles Hoffeditz of the Garrett County Forestry Board
Tom Mathews of the Allegany County Forestry Board
10.30-10.45a FISHERIES
Jim Iden
10.45-11.15a TRAILS
Steve Green, High Mountain Sports
Mike Dreisbach, Savage River Lodge
11.15-11.30a Penny Pittman, Washington County Trails Interest
11.30a-12p Rocky Gap Casino Parking Issues
Scott Just, Manager