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Cumberland Broadcasting Company/Prosperitas Broadcasting
Small market radio stations; News/Talk on AM, Classic Hits on FM

Friendly personality, self-motivated, honest, positive attitude, presentable. Willing to have an open mind and willing to learn and make cold calls.  Sales calls within a 30 mile radius of Cumberland, Maryland/Keyser, West Virginia.

Handling 50 to 100 new and established sales accounts for two well established radio stations.  Expected to sell, service and collect each account.  8:15 to 5pm daily Monday-Friday.  Occasionally evening or weekend work may be necessary.  Writing ads for your clients and completing paperwork to schedule the ads and for billing.

Experience not required.  Ability to speak well and show appropriate decorum while working in the office, and on the street with clients.  

The best way to apply to our company is to email and attach a resume and references