January 23rd, 2025 by WCBC Radio
On 01/17/25, members of the ACSO, Cumberland Police, and MSP conducted a joint operation to arrest subjects in Allegany County who had open arrest warrants. As a result of this operation the following individuals were served arrest warrants with the following charges:
Clarissa Bible of Cumberland served an arrest warrant for FTA on a District Court Bench warrant. She was taken before a DC Commissioner and released.
Caitlin Ziler of Cumberland was served an arrest warrant for FTA on a District Court Bench warrant. She was taken before a DC commissioner and released.
Marcus Younger of Cumberland was served an arrest warrant issued from Circuit Court on a VOP violation. He was held at the ACDC awaiting a bond hearing.
Kayleigh Fleek of Cumberland was served 2 Grand Jury Indictment for CDS possession with intent to distribute and possession of a CDS. She was taken to the ACDC to await a bond hearing.
Elizabeth Price was served an arrest warrant issued out of Frederick County, Maryland, for VOP. He was taken before a DC Commissioner.
Kaitlin Bruckner was served a Grand Jury Indictment for CDS distribution X3 and possession of a CDS X3. During this arrest, Bruckner observed Officers attempting to arrest her at her residence at 705 Fayette Street. She ran back into her residence, saying she had a firearm and would not exit her residence. A barricade situation then occurred, and after negotiation with Bruckner for a period of time, she exited her residence and was taken into custody without incident.
Cody Gene Smith of Westenport was served a DC warrant for 4th degree burglary and trespassing at a residence in McCoole, Maryland. Smith was arrested after he fled into a wooded area but was later apprehended after he came out of the woods and surrendered to the deputies and an MSP Trooper. He was looked at by EMS for minor injuries sustained while fleeing from deputies and was cleared at the scene. Smith was taken to the ACDC to await a bond hearing.
This initiative was partially funded through the Governor' Office of Crime Prevention and Policy – WAAG Grant.
March 4th, 2024 by WCBC Radio
On Friday, March 1, 2024, the Allegany County Sheriff’s Office, in partnership with Cumberland Police Department, DPSCS Warrant and Apprehension Unit and Maryland State Police – Barrack C, combined resources to conduct a comprehensive warrant sweep. As a result, the following individuals were apprehended:
Eric Jason Burley, 37 of Cumberland, was arrested on a Circuit Court warrant for Violation of Probation. Original conviction for CDS Possession-Not Cannabis where he was sentenced to 1-year detention with all but 155-days suspended and 2-years supervised probation. In the search conducted pursuant to arrest, he was in possession of CDS and was given a criminal citation for CDS: Possession-Not Cannabis. He is currently being held without bond pending a bail review.
Mark Feodor Smith Sr, 57 of Cumberland, was arrested on three (3) District Court Failure to Appear warrants. Charges include: Assault-2nd Degree, Resist/Interfere with Arrest, Disorderly Conduct, Disturb Peace – Loud Noise, Disturb the Peace/Disorderly, Theft Less than $100 and 4 th Degree Burglary-Dwelling, Trespass-Posted Property, and Malicious Destruction of Property/Value < $1,000. He was released on Unsecured personal bonds in the amounts of $1,000. $2,500 and $10,000 and placed on pretrial supervision pending his next court appearance.
Andrew Eugene Robinson, 34 of Potomac Park, was arrested on a District Court Arrest warrant for 2 nd Degree Assault, False Imprisonment and Disorderly Conduct. He was later released on his own recognizance.
Cierra Desiree VanMeter, 28 of Cumberland, was served a Circuit Court body attachment for failure to appear for a child support hearing and is being held on a $100 bond in that matter, and a Circuit Court arrest warrant out of Washington County for Failure to Appear for a Violation of Probation on a conviction for Conspiracy-CDS: Possession with Intent to Distribute: Narcotics (Fentanyl) where she was sentenced to 8-years detention with all but 85-days suspended and 3-years supervised probation.
David John Gearing, 37 of Cumberland, was served three warrants for Failure to Appear. Charges include: Driving on a Suspended License, CDS: Possession-Not Cannabis. He was released on his own recognizance in all three cases.
Kody Bronson Smith, 31 of Oldtown, was served four warrants. A District Court warrant for Failure to Appear on a Driving with Suspended charge. And three Circuit Court warrants including a Grand Jury Indictment for 2 counts of Fake CDS: Possession with Intent to Distribute, 3 courts Possession with intent to Distribute: Narcotics, CDS: Distribution of Narcotics, CDS: Possession-Not Cannabis, Distribution/PWID CDS Fentanyl/Heroin Mix. A Circuit Court Failure to Appear for CDS charges and Violation of Pretrial Release for CDS Distribution of Narcotics charges. He is currently being held without bond pending a bail review in Circuit Court.
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