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Virginia Avenue Theft arrest

February 17th, 2025 by WCBC Radio

On Sunday, February 16, 2025 at approximately 7:59 PM, officers of the Cumberland Police Department responded to a business in the 400 block of Virginia Avenue for a trespassing complaint.  Once police arrived, the staff reported that the suspect, Jason Winfield, stole items from the store.  Winfield was arrested and transported to police headquarters.  He was issued a criminal citation and released pending trial.

ARRESTED:  Jason Lynn Winfield            AGE:  42            Cumberland, MD
CHARGES:  Theft less than $100

February 6th, 2025 by WCBC Radio

On Thursday, February 6, 2025 at approximately 12:30 AM, officers of the Cumberland Police Department responded to a business in the 400 block of Virginia Avenue for a shoplifting complaint.  The staff reported to police that the suspect stole merchandise from the store.  An officer located the suspect, Ashley Shrout, on E. Fourth Street at Vancouver St.  After further investigation, Shrout was placed under arrest and transported to police headquarters.  She was issued a criminal citation and released pending trial.

ARRESTED:  Ashley Kay Shrout          AGE:  38          Cresaptown, MD
CHARGES:  Theft less than $100


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