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May 22nd, 2024 by WCBC Radio

On Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at approximately 12:08 PM, an officer of the Cumberland Police Department conducted a traffic stop on Harrison Street.  The operator was identified as Brandon Cobak.  A routine check of the driver’s information revealed that Cobak had a Protective Order through the State of Tennessee issued against him.  Police discovered that Cobak was currently in violation of the order and that he also had two active extraditable arrest warrants through Tennessee.  Cobak was arrested and transported to Central Booking.  He was later seen by a District Court Commissioner for a bond hearing regarding the violation of the out-of-state order.  Cobak posted a $5,000 unsecured personal bond.  The warrants were used as detainers and Cobak is currently being held at the Allegany County Detention awaiting extradition.

ARRESTED:  Brandon Christopher Cobak       AGE:  31      Bedford, PA
CHARGES:  Violate Out-of-State Order