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Public Meeting Scheduled on City’s Wayfinding Plan

December 26th, 2024 by WCBC Radio

Public input is needed for the City of Cumberland’s upcoming wayfinding plan. Merje Design is developing a navigational system for the city to help travelers orient themselves in the area.  Merje has also done plans for Frederick and Annapolis.  A public meeting on January 9 at 1pm in City Hall will review preliminary findings. Ruth Davis-Rogers, the City’s Historic Preservation Planner, tells WCBC that better wayfinding helps visitors stay longer…


“We found out that we really needed that here in Cumberland because we have so many visitors coming here, but they’re not lingering as long as we want. But we’re finding that a lot of visitors were coming and doing one thing and leaving. And some of it was because they didn’t know how to navigate, they couldn’t find things.”