October 6th, 2023 by WCBC Radio
A new Virtual Railfan camera is going live in South Cumberland. This camera is a partnership with the Cumberland Outdoor Club, Skypacket Network, WCBC Radio and Virtual Railfan. The South Cumberland camera overlooks the Cumberland terminal subdivision and will feature CSX and Amtrak trains and occasional views of Western Maryland Scenic Railroad trains crossing the Potomac River. Bob Cox, Operations Manager for Virtual Railfan spoke with WCBC news about their video platform that streams live railroad cameras across the US to millions of viewers on YouTube and websites. The company also provides moderators in the chat rooms to answer questions about local railroad operations and to keep the platform family-friendly…
The South Cumberland camera is live on YouTube and available anywhere where internet access is provided. You can also catch the North Cumberland camera with amazing views of the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad Station from atop the Kensington as well as downtown Cumberland and the surrounding area on our website wcbcradio.com and also on YouTube.