July 25th, 2022 by WCBC Radio
Cumberland’s National Night Out event will be held on Tuesday, August 2nd from 5:00 until 8:00 p.m. on Somerville Ave. between First and Fourth Streets. The annual Kick-Off Event is a Free Swim followed by a Free Movie and held at the Constitution Park Pool and Patio on Monday, August 1 beginning at 6:00 p.m. with the movie ‘Luca’ beginning at dusk. Neighborhoods throughout Cumberland are invited to join over 38 million neighbors from over 16 thousand communities in all 50 states in celebrating an annual community-building campaign known as National Night Out. This event
promotes strong police-Community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie
to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live and work.
On this one night throughout Cumberland and across the nation neighbors are
asked to lock their doors, turn on their porch lights and spend the evening
outside with neighbors and law enforcement.
This is a night for our nation to stand together and promote awareness, safety,
and neighborhood unity by bringing police officers and the members of our
community together in a fun setting. Parents and their children will have the
opportunity to get to know the officers and ask questions. They’ll see squad
cars, various emergency response vehicles, learn about a wide variety of safety
topics, and partake in numerous interactive family friendly activities. Over 75
partners from the public, nonprofit and business sectors also participate. As
National Project Coordinator, Matt Peskin said, “When law enforcement and the
community work closely together; some amazing things can happen.”
This event is nationally sponsored by NATW, Ring, Starbucks, Associa, FirstNet,
Academy Sports & Outdoors, REELZ and locally sponsored by the City of
For additional information contact Terri Hast, 301-759-6517,
terri.hast@cumberlandmd.gov. Follow National Night Out Cumberland on
*Allegany County will be holding a National Night Out Event at the Frostburg Pool on this same