July 8th, 2021 by WCBC Radio
An announcement by U.S. Senators Cardin and Van Hollen this week may rekindle interest in the long discussed rewatering of the Western Maryland portion of the C&O Canal. The Maryland Democrats issued a statement this week that the project could receive $390,000 in federal funding. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would be the recipient of the grant, which would allow a feasibility study to move forward. If the study finds the project viable, officials could move forward with phase one construction design. The cost of the viability study is $600,000, with the city of Cumberland contributing $210,000. City officials said in-kind work could be substituted in exchange for cash payment. The mayor and City Council approved the study in 2019, however the effort was slowed with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. Mayor Ray Morriss tells WCBC News that the announcement this week could spark a renewed interest in the project…