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Moore Says “Refinements” May Be Needed for Blueprint

August 20th, 2024 by WCBC Radio

Governor Wes Moore addressed the closing session of the Maryland Association of Counties conference on Saturday.  While taking time to review the wins his administration has had in the past year, he also addressed what some would call the elephant in the room – Maryland’s Blueprint For Education program.  For the second time in as many weeks, the governor said that adjustments may need to be made to the multi-year, multi-billion dollar plan…

" Laws of enormous potential must always be refined after they are passed and think about it The law that created social security has been amended over 12 times The Maryland State Constitution has been amended around 200 times they have been amended because making adjustments to legislation when necessary is how we will ensure programs can keep pace with the reality on the ground."

The governor also acknowledged the frustration of local leadership and said they will work together to find a way through financing the Blueprint…

" We have an administration that is ready to work with local jurisdictions who believe in the goals of the blueprint but do not feel like they were part of the process in making it real I've heard you loud and clear and I know that in the work that we need to get done we need to get it done together." 

Governor Moore, who did not support former State School Superintendent Mohammad Choudhury, said that new superintendent Dr. Carey Wright has the experience needed to implement the plan…

" We have a superintendent of schools who was not just committed but capable of working in partnership to make the goal of a world-class education system a reality and I could not be more proud that the author of the Mississippi miracle is now Maryland zone."